
The CIColorManagement component interface gets the names of the color management profiles in use in the current publication.

CIColorManagement interfaces

The CIColorManagement component is small, containing only two interfaces.

PMXErr GetAllSourceProfiles(PMHandle *phProfileNames, unsigned short *pNameCnt, unsigned short *pSizeEach);

Returns a handle (phProfileNames) to a buffer. The buffer contains the names of all the profiles referenced by the publication. Each name is a null terminated string. pNameCnt is the number of profiles listed, and pSizeEach gives the size (in bytes) of the space allocated for each string. Each string in the buffer is allocated the same amount of space, though most of the names will not take that whole space.

Note: The Plug-in must lock the handle before using the buffer, and must unlock the handle and then call FreeHandle when it is done.

void FreeHandle(PMHandle aHandle);

Frees the handle aHandle. The handle must not be locked when FreeHandle is called.

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